Let's examine the issues, shall we?
Sarah Palin believes in abstinence education. Let us not even begin to discuss the irony of her knocked-up, unmarried teenaged daughter.
Sarah Palin does not believe that human beings are responsible for global warming. Obviously. It is God's will that we live in a desert. No worries, though, because the rich people will have built themselves water pods and colonized the moon by then. Fuck everyone else, you poor, penniless bastards!
Sarah Palin believes in good-old fashioned family values. Weeeeell, what about your Downs syndrome baby? Doesn't staying home to raise one's family align with that stance?
Sarah Palin is under investigation for abuse of her power. Frankly, this is page out of the Republican playbook.
Sarah Palin left her little-ass Alaskan town with a huge debt for a money-sinking stadium. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't fiscal conservatism about not blowing your wad on stupid shit?
Sarah Palin likes to shoot things including wolves, caribou and believes that beluga whales should not be considered an endangered species. She supports gun ownership, including handguns. To her credit, if all of the young men growing up in the inner city manage to kill each other, we won't have to worry about that pesky prison-building/public school reform problem!
Sarah Palin opposes pro-choice. I mean, she was able to pop five children out of that militant, barracuda vagina so WHY NOT YOU?!
Sarah Palin believes in oil-drilling in Alaska. To curb our dependence on foreign oil, let's rape God-given American soil and stop giving money to those TERRORISTS and INFIDELS. Oh, but exploring alternative forms of energy isn't that important...
Sarah Palin is swaying the women's vote. Because that vagina of hers with teeth apparently is worth a couple of thousands of votes and American women have stopped thinking altogether.
This most recent post is for you, Sarah, you awful, fascist, corrupt, Republican whore. Smooches.
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