Admit this to yourself: you begrudge your peers their success. Which you feel is largely undeserved, because if it was truly based on brilliance and merit then IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU. Obviously, it was the sheer stupidity, the unbelievable Beavis-and-Butthead culture, the feckless, gaping SIMIANS who failed to see YOUR particular brand of brilliance.
No. Instead, the drooling masses chose to see some sub-par product/writer/DNA-deficient moron as their false god. So be it. Let them prostrate themselves at the altar of some dilettante and pat yourself on the back for simply being above it all. This ain't sour grapes, baby. I'm the only one who's calling out the naked emperor!
And, what's worse is that there doesn't happen to be a soapbox for the demons that whisper to you in your darkest hours. Everyone else seems to think you should celebrate others' success and they say as much publicly. The liars.
Oh, sure, you may grind your teeth, swallow down your rancid bile and force your lips back into some semblance of a smile/grimace while you say things about Being So Happy for other's success. In actual fact, you are picturing Very Bad Things happening to them.
So, here's the very first Hateration Nation's post to other people's effortless, talentless and undeserved success. Such people in this general category would include (but by no means limited to) Dave Eggers, Jonathan Safran Foer and That Kid You Hated In High School.
I welcome comments.